Friday, December 30, 2011

Those that hunger and thirst after righteousness shall be filled!

My son Jonathan is teething. He has not wanted to eat much food lately. I know that it was because of a lot of his teeth breaking through at one time. This morning he ate a big breakfast! I was so excited. I was excited because I know in order for him to grow and develop he has to eat. Not just eat but eat a balanced diet. So to see him eating a balanced, healthy breakfast this morning I was full of joy! I got the most awesome revelation this morning as I was beaming watching him eat his breakfast.

I had a glimpse of just how excited God gets when we eat of His word and grow spiritually. The Holy Spirit whispered to me, "Just imagine how excited God gets when his daughter's and son's are eating His word. Then the words that were dropped in my spirit were dig deeper! Not just dig deeper, but reach higher. His word lets us know "Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled."~Matthew5:6 The important thing about this verse is we must hunger and thirst after righteousness. It is not enough to be hungry. We must be hungry and thirsty for righteousness. So I ask you this day, what are you hungry for? What are you thirsty for? Is it for righteousness? If it is come hungry and ready to be filled! This is a promise of God that when you hunger after righteousness you will be filled! What an awesome promise!

My children love sweets! If I only let them fill up off of sweets there is no nutritional value. This will be bad for their health, for their skin, for their teeth, and for my nerves! I have to make sure that even when they do not want to eat their vegetables that I make sure they do. The same is true with our relationship with Christ. We can not fill up with just his promises and the benefits of having the only true and living God. We have to walk in His commands and live a life of holiness! That means even when we don't feel like praying we must pray! Even when we don't feel like reading we must read! Even when we don't feel like fasting we must fast! Have you ever been hungry and not known what you wanted to eat? That is not a good feeling is it? It can get quite frustrating to know you are hungary but not know what you have a desire to eat. Make up in your mind today that you will hunger and thirst for righteousness. That you will desire to be closer to God! That you will desire to dig deeper and reach higher in God!

Have you ever tasted something so good that you just could not believe what you were tasting? Have you ever tasted something so good you just wanted to share it with everyone? God's word declares, "O taste and see that the LORD is good: blessed is the man that trusteth in him."~Psalm34:8 That means God's word is good all by itself! You do not have to add anything to it or take anything away from it! When you have tasted of His word you just want to share it with everyone you come into contact with! When you have tasted something good you want to take your time and eat it! You do not want to just rush and be done with it! The same is true with God's word take your time to enjoy His holy word! Take your time to fully take in all that His word has for you! Be reminded today that when you hunger for Him and when you thirst for Him you will be filled!

Hunger definition:(noun)A feeling of discomfort or weakness caused by lack of food, coupled with the desire to eat.
(verb)Have a strong desire or craving for.
If someone ask you how are you doing today respond hungry! Hungry for more of God's word and more of His righteousness! 

Thursday, December 29, 2011

For No word from God will ever fail!

"For nothing will be impossible with God!"~ Luke1:37 What a powerful statement, and what an awesome way to start off a blog! So many times we look at the task ahead of us and can not imagine the outcome being victorious. We are already defeated in our minds. The task is already impossible to us. But the word of God states that for nothing is impossible with God. That means no matter how hard, or how simple, or how big the task is our God is bigger. Our God is a sovereign God!

I am a witness that God can do the unthinkable! God can and will go above and beyond what we can even imagine. That is not something that I have heard but that is something that I know. That is the word of God. "Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us!"~ Ephesians:20 We have to understand that it is according to his power that is at work within us and not our own strength and power. So many time we think that we are less than or not enough. It is time to take God at His word. We must stand on the word of God. For when we are in Him nothing is impossible!

When we get to a place in Him when we understand that His word can not fail we live a victorious life. When we understand that God can do all things but lie His word is enough. His word will be all that we need. We will be able to not just say but know that the promises of God are yes and amen! For no matter how many promises God has made, they are “Yes” in Christ. And so through him the “Amen” is spoken by us to the glory of God.~2Corinthians1:20 That is enough to stop and praise God! His promises are yes and amen! But God does not stop there! God is not a man, so he does not lie. "He is not human, so he does not change his mind. Has he ever spoken and failed to act? Has he ever promised and not carried it through?"~Numbers23:19

So today I just wanted to remind you that as you prepare to enter into the next season of your life know that God is with you. He will never leave you nor forsake you. Because you have accepted Jesus as your personal savior you can triumphantly say "For no word from God will ever fail!" And if you have not accepted Him as your savior then it is not to late! As long as you still have breathe in your body you can accept the greatest gift of all! The gift of a savior. Our words are powerful, but God's words mean so much more! So choose today to speak His words. The words of truth. The words of love. God's word will never fail!

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

In spite of what it looks like!

Have you ever asked yourself why you allow certain people or things to rob you of your joy? The joy of the Lord is our strength! Yet, when we allow outside circumstances to dictate our praise we feel empty. There is a void that we feel. Not only a void that we can feel, but a void that needs to be filled! Don't you want joy in spite of what it looks like?

I was asked today why I did not blog. It caught me off guard. I used to blog. It was a while back. I can not even remember my blogging information. Yes, it has been that long. I say this to say that joy comes from allowing God to flow through us. It comes from deciding that what comes what may you will choose to rejoice. The word of God says in all things rejoice. Philippians 4:4"Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!" That means regardless of what it looks or feels like. This lets me know that when I am weary in my well doing I still need to rejoice. When I am faced with a hard decision or a storm is raging in my life I still must rejoice.

In order to have the joy unspeakable and the peace unimaginable I must be anchored in the King of Kings. I must have a made up mind that the joy that I have the world did not give it to me and the world can not and will not take it away! When we make up in our minds that joy everlasting comes not from outside but from inside we will not be held hostage to our emotions. Our emotions will be held hostage to the word of God when we are anchored to God! For God is His word.

I love to write! I love to journal! Blogging comes natural. It is a way to deposit what God has placed inside of me. It is a way to spread the joy that I have. It is a way to declare through my words that there is power in being positive. There is power in having control over what you speak and what you think. So I ask you do you have joy? Nehemiah8:10 "The joy that the Lord gives you will make you strong." Not only will I ask do you have joy. I will ask do you have strength? Don't allow yourself to be less than because you do not operate out of the power that lies on the inside of you. When you are faced with a choice to rejoice or throw a pity party choose to rejoice. Rejoicing activates joy! Rejoicing activates soundness of mind. Rejoicing activates the power that lies within! In spite of what it looks like take the time to rejoice in the Lord! For He is good and His mercy endures forever! This joy that I have the world did not give it to me and the world can not and will not take it away!