During the past couple months I have learned many valuable lessons, but the most important one was to rejoice in ALL things! Now this is easy to say when all things are going the way you planned for them to go. But can you rejoice my friend when things are not going the way you prayed and planned for them to go? Can you rejoice when all hell is breaking loose in your life? When all hell is breaking loose in your marriage? When all hell is breaking loose with your children? Can you rejoice when you feel like you are all alone? Can you rejoice my friend when you are broken hearted? I came today to tell you that YES you can! Yes, you can rejoice when you do not feel like rejoicing! Yes, you can rejoice when you look around and feel as if there is nothing to rejoice about! Yes, you can rejoice when you feel as if your back is against the wall and you have no where to go! How are you able to do this you may ask? Let me let you in on an amazing fact your situation does not have to dictate your praise! Let me say that again YOUR SITUATION DOES NOT HAVE TO DICTATE YOUR PRAISE!
The word of God reminds us that in all things we are to rejoice. "Be happy [in your faith] and rejoice and be glad-hearted continually (always); Be unceasing in prayer [praying perseveringly];Thank [God] in everything [no matter what the circumstances may be, be thankful and give thanks], for this is the will of God for you [who are] in Christ Jesus [the Revealer and Mediator of that will]."~1Thessalonians5:16-18(AMP) Now if this were something that was going to be easy, God would not have to remind us in His word to rejoice always! In life we are going to face trials that knock the wind out of us. We are going to go through storms that feel as if there will be no end. I want to remind you on today that yes the trials and storms will come but in the midst of them we are to rejoice! Why? Because it is the will of our Father! Why? Because God is still a Faithful God!
We are to rejoice because we are yet still here. We are still able to count our blessings! We are able to open up our mouths, or raise our hands, or stomp our feet as a sign of determination to keep going forth in God. In the word of God we are reminded why it is important to not allow our situation to dictate our praise! "Rejoice in the Lord always [delight, gladden yourselves in Him]; again I say, Rejoice!"Phillipians4:4 In this verse we see that when we delight ourselves in Him we are made glad!! The word says gladden yourselves in Him! It is hard to praise God and still feel defeated!! It is hard to glorify God with your actions and still feel like you are less than an over comer. It is hard to read your word and keep your head hanging down. There is strength in your praise! There is victory in your Hallelujah! There is power in standing firm in your faith and declaring I will not allow this situation to dictate my praise! There is power in not allowing your situation to shut your mouth!
Declare today regardless of what you are facing that the God you serve is a Great God! The God you serve can do ALL things but fail! The God you serve has allowed you to be more than an overcomer through His strength and His power! Declare today that greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world! Declare today that the trial you are facing is going to make you better and not bitter! Declare today that in-spite of what you are facing the God you serve is a great God! Watch how your praise takes your eyes off of your situation and puts them back on God! Don' allow your situation to distract you from praising God for He is good and His mercy endureth forever! Don't allow your situation to dictate your praise!